Accommodation, Services, Facilities
Camping Accommodations are provided for everyone.
There are three main camps all within walking distance to the event facilities and surrounding nature.
Each with running water & compost toilets.
Tents, Mattresses, and Blankets are available to rent if you do not bring your own.
There are limited "glamping" options for an additional rate. We will reserve these for families & those special needs. If you are interested in a non-camping accommodation, please reach out to us so that we can assess your situation.

There will be 2 vegan meals provided per day by our catering crew.
The 1st will be breakfast/lunch served from 11AM-1PM. This meal will be on the lighter side- mostly raw, consisting of many fruits, granola, guacamole, tostada, salad, etc!
The 2nd will be dinner served from 6-7PM. This meal will be something different every evening but you can expect a consistency of deliciousness and nourishment.
There will be vendors with snacks and refreshing beverages for sale on site throughout the week for when you get hungry between meals.
Fresh Mountain Water will be provided at all the campsites, venues, and kitchen facilities so that it is easy to stay hydrated!
There will be outdoor showers and compost toilets to use at every campsite, as well as at all the festival sites.
Also, you can take your shower in the waterfalls to deepen your ecstatic earth immersion experience.
Please only use small amounts of biodegradable soap if you bathe in the river.

There will be recycling centers spread throughout the campsites with separate deposits for different materials.
We try our best to be a zero waste event, so please be mindful of the waste you produce. Try your best to leave no trace. We are so lucky to inhabit this natural sanctuary for 10 days, so we want to respect it by leaving it pristine in our wake.
HEALTH & Safety
We are deep in a Jungly landscape. While it is relatively hazard free, we still ask that you remain conscious of your surroundings to avoid accidents. This means watching where you step, carrying a flashlight in the evening, and moving with care when navigating the river
We will have 4 nurses on site at all times for any illnesses or injuries that you may experience. They will be located at the apothecary in Arbol Divino.
Upon registration, it will be requested that you share any physical conditions that you experience such as allergies, chronic illnesses, etc.